If You Thought 2020 Was Bad

If you thought 2020 was bad… Share on facebook Share on linkedin Dear friends, What a year we have been through (and at this writing it is not yet over). I will not list out what has happened because I do not want to depress you any further. We have 2021 starting shortly. There are […]

You Owe Money. What to do?

You Owe Money. What to do? Share on facebook Share on linkedin You owe money. What to do? You can pay now via debit or check.You can use your credit card although I highly recommend against it because of the credit card fees. If you can pay within 120 days of filing, you can avoid […]

What to do? What to do?

What to do? What to ? Share on facebook Share on linkedin Let’s say for a moment that you are the sort of taxpayer that I like … organized, responsive, and doesn’t wait until the last minute to get me information (like a certain brother of mine). Your returns have been completed and filed. The […]

Gone but not forgotten. Part 2

Gone but not forgotten.Part 2 Share on facebook Share on linkedin February 18, 2020 In Part 1 of this series, I talked about how the Foreign Tax Credit (FTC) could be used to offset your US income taxes when you earn income while living in a foreign country. (Click here to read it.) But there […]

Your options if you owe money

Your options if you owe money Share on facebook Share on linkedin Original Post Feb 13, 2019 When things don’t go the way we want or expect, sometimes we want to just go back to bed and hide under the covers. With what has been happening as more people are filing their returns and finding […]

How to beat the fraudsters to your return

How to beat the fraudstersto your return. Share on facebook Share on linkedin Original Post Feb. 5, 2019 All too often, clients I have that waited until the end of March or so to file (even if they had not been waiting for information), have found that they were the victim of identity theft. Somehow, […]

What to do if you owe money on April 15th

What to do if you owe money on April 15th Share on facebook Share on linkedin Original Post April 1, 2019 This is NOT an April Fool’s Day Post. Taxes are due in 2 weeks. (And see my other post below if you owe money) Now some people may get an extension of time to […]

Gone But Not Forgotten. Part 1

Gone but not forgotten. Part One Share on facebook Share on linkedin January 19, 2020 Congratulations, you are living in Mexico. Although things cost less here than back in the US, you decide you will become a real estate agent with one of the local firms to earn a few extra pesos to help pay […]